negotiating with my confusion (the voices in my head won't keep quiet damn it!)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

random things heard on street corner

As I trudged towards chipotle in the sweltering heat to get myself a massive post- lunch- coma- like- sleep- inducing burrito, I saw a lady walk down the street communicating in an animated fashion into her cellphone. Suddenly in a most sagely way she asked the person at the other end, "wait... why are you talking to me on the cell phone while you're swimming?"


  • At 5:11 AM, Blogger bigfatdeal said…

    it's the heat, n00ba.

  • At 1:46 AM, Blogger Ahiri said…

    where can i email you ? it is important and urgent

  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger vetty said…

    Reminds me of a friend who once quipped "What, you dont have a cell phone? What do you do with your mouth when you walk?"


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