the question is not how but why? 'tis a difficult question. the answer might lead to enlightenment... or atleast an intellectual orgasm. life is unpredictable. there is chaos in order and order in chaos. we walk a thin line. you never know what is thrown up at the start of the day. i've always been a happy go lucky chap but sometimes responsibilty comes when u least expect it. the joys of responsibility.
i'm feeling quite sleepy right now. computational intelligence does that to you. frankly i don't see anything intelligent about computers. i could make fun of them all day and they wouldn't come up with one intelligent scheme to whup my ass. ofcourse, they have their share of fun with their cryptic error messages.
my friend is a guitarist. he used to play in a band back home before he bit the dust and came to the land of the so called brave and free. so i asked him if he is doing something for the republic day celebrations. apparently he is. now like all great rock stars he needs to have a signature right? for people to associate him with. Like axl rose and his stupid kilt. Like bono and his sun glasses. like madonna and her um, nakedness. Well, folks i'll tell you my friend's signature wear.i know you desperately want to know. tch. stop drooling. his signature wear is... half sleeve checked shirt and jeans...... what? you're not excited anymore? you're abusing me? hey! i don't even have a sister! fine i'll tell him to wear leather underwear and a mask.
that was a boring story. ever noticed how gum is really sweet and juicy when u first pop it in your mouth? then it gets all crappy and tastes like scum after half an hour? i think marriage is like that. or is it? which goes back to the question of not how but why?
i need a shave and a haircut. i'm starting to resemble a cave man. or worse. a terrorist. i am also suffering from severe writer's block. i think i shall end this torturous read and go observe the white wall in front of me. it shall be my inspiration.
i'm feeling quite sleepy right now. computational intelligence does that to you. frankly i don't see anything intelligent about computers. i could make fun of them all day and they wouldn't come up with one intelligent scheme to whup my ass. ofcourse, they have their share of fun with their cryptic error messages.
my friend is a guitarist. he used to play in a band back home before he bit the dust and came to the land of the so called brave and free. so i asked him if he is doing something for the republic day celebrations. apparently he is. now like all great rock stars he needs to have a signature right? for people to associate him with. Like axl rose and his stupid kilt. Like bono and his sun glasses. like madonna and her um, nakedness. Well, folks i'll tell you my friend's signature wear.i know you desperately want to know. tch. stop drooling. his signature wear is... half sleeve checked shirt and jeans...... what? you're not excited anymore? you're abusing me? hey! i don't even have a sister! fine i'll tell him to wear leather underwear and a mask.
that was a boring story. ever noticed how gum is really sweet and juicy when u first pop it in your mouth? then it gets all crappy and tastes like scum after half an hour? i think marriage is like that. or is it? which goes back to the question of not how but why?
i need a shave and a haircut. i'm starting to resemble a cave man. or worse. a terrorist. i am also suffering from severe writer's block. i think i shall end this torturous read and go observe the white wall in front of me. it shall be my inspiration.
At 3:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
black on white on blue on blue. A nice colour combination. I wonder why I hadn't thought of that. The blogger logo is a "b". First time I am noticing it - I always thought it was an "e". How observant of me. It's drizzling, both outside and on this blog.
At 3:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
'i had the blues coz i had no shoes; untill upon the street i saw a man without feet'...
At 4:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Glad to know that someone else thinks the way I do :) -D.
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nice one...:-)
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