The H in Harvard stands for Hypocrisy
I read this article recently about this student at harvard university. He is a sophomore and he has his own room cleaning business called Dormaid. He and his team cleans the rooms of all those lazy students who can afford to get others to clean their rooms for them. It's an impressive idea that reflects on the entrepreneurial capabilities that Harvard students are associated with.What's more impressive is the fact that the student is pulling in an annual turnover of $350,000 (USD) and is able to pay his own tuition fees. He is so successful that he is planning to expand his services to other universities by forming partnerships (his buddies at other universities basically).A student with such business acumen should be encouraged and commended for his efforts. Yet, as it has always been the case - harvard is the seat of hypocrisy. The Harvard student newspaper The Harvard Crimson has called for a mass boycott of Michael E.Kopko's services stating that his business creates socioeconomic differences between the "haves" and the "have nots". I think this isn't fair at all to the student involved. Harvard should encourage such entrepreneurial students. Not break them like this. He is taking his own efforts to earn money in a very legitimate fashion. Harvard argues that many students would not be able to afford the service there by creating a rift in the student body. But then really... is life that fair? Armani wasn't asked to close down because he couldn't cater to everyone. It's something that must be accepted in living within a capitalistic society. There is no equality. Everything comes from your own effort. You are free to make your own choices. If he were to make money without hurting anyone then why should Harvard make a fuss? That too coming from an institution well known for it's ways. Many a case has been reported of Harvard making "exceptions" while granting admission to students from wealthy donors or those with a history at Harvard. So really... what's the deal?Such events can be taken to a much broader level. A good majority of the world dislike or distrust america. Once again a case of the have's versus the have nots. I live in Canada. A country which dislikes and distrusts america quite a bit. Why is this so? Because america has it all and canada doesn't. America is arrogant and decietful in their actions. But that is a result of being drunk on power. Yet, you cannot blame america for their ways. They slogged it out and by hook or crook became a very wealthy nation. There is no use blaming america for their actions. Throughout history no super power has been placid and docile. Not the romans, greeks, ottomans, nor british. No one. So why expect anything different from america? Those who are have nots will always complain and despise those who have. Sometimes they will sit and do nothing to become one of the haves yet complain quite passionately about how "unfair" the haves are.Coming back to Harvard, by crushing a students business by saying that it doesn't cater to everyone, I think it's a terrible way to kill a person's faith in hardwork and originality. Personally I would like to use my business skills to earn my money. However, I would also like to use a bit of my money to help people whenever I can. This is my personal choice. That doesn't mean everyone has to comply with my philosophy. If it's legal, if it doesn't hurt anybody, then it's fine. Rest of the people should seriously do some introspection.
At 6:58 AM,
Anon said…
Your insight is absolootely ahmbooboo :D
At 10:21 AM,
pagala'k' said…
Are you alive? Didn't think Spring could stop people writing
At 9:33 PM,
karthik durvasula said…
An educated man doesn't propagate inequalities. Saying that inequalities exist is life, and that it is for us to accept them is to say u will never mind ill-treated by one more powerful (acceptance of inequalities should allow u to accept any abuse).
This is not to say Harvard is not hypocritical. Just saying, maybe, by 'feigning' disappointment, we are joining its ranks. In which case, we have assimilated with the crap we set out to criticise.
At 2:48 AM,
Ahiri said…
please do visit
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